What is gelicious NEW! Peel-Off GelTM Nail Colour?gelicious Genuine Gel Nail Colour paints on like a nail polish but with a long lasting salon finish that lasts up to 2 weeks. gelicious is cured under a safe LED lamp and is removed by heat activation at home instead of chemicals and grinding at the salon. This means stronger, less damaged nails. We are a wholly owned Australian company based in GEELONG, VIC.
What is the difference between gelicious Genuine Gel Nail Colour and regular nail polish and 'gel-like' products? geliciousTM Genuine Gel Nail Colour lasts longer than regular nail lacquer. It has a shinier finish because it is a gel, and self-levels better than most nail lacquers giving it an even and professional looking finish. All paint on as simply as nail polish; however gelicious is cured under a gelicious UV LED Nail Lamp and is soaked off with hot water. gelicious PEEL-OFF GEL – Base & Top Coat protects the gel and helps it last longer than normal nail polish. Gel-like products such as Revlon's Gel Envy is nail polish, not a genuine gel. It takes longer to dry and does not last as long – however it does have a faster cure time than regular nail polish if you dry it in the sun.
What is the difference between gelicious Genuine Gel Nail Colour and acrylic and SNS nails?Acrylics and SNS are usually applied at a salon, require infilling and need to be ground off in order to be be removed. Acrylics and SNS have a thicker finish and if you have a break require a nail technician to repair them. gelicious is soaked off with hot water in 60 seconds and does not require infilling or filing. gelicious does not damage the nail and can be safely applied at home. With gelicious, if you get a chip you can peel it off and re-apply it at home in less than a few minutes.
Do I need to buy a Base Coat and Top Coat?It depends on which gelicious product you are using. gelicious PEEL-OFF GEL – Base & Top Coat: For the gel to peel off, a base coat does need to be applied. However this product is a combined base and top coat – so you don’t need to buy another bottle. gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT and gelicious OPTIONAL BASE COAT: No, it is optional. Unlike other nail products, gelicious colour won’t stain or damage your nails if you don’t use a base coat. You can use the gelicious base coat if you want a thicker look or are applying a French manicure and want a base coat. You may also find your manicure lasts longer when using the gelicious OPTIONAL BASE COAT.
Can I just use gelicious colour without a top coat?No. gelicious colours will not last without gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT or gelicious PEEL-OFF GEL – Base & Top Coat, but you can buy the colours separately.
How long does gelicious last?Results vary from person to person. Longevity depends on how well the nails are prepared to remove all oils and hanging cuticles and how thinly gelicious is applied. When applied properly, gelicious will last up to two weeks (and longer in some cases), with a week and a half being the average time. Pedicures will usually last up to 4 weeks! Not only does gelicious provide an ultra shiny professional finish which dries instantly, it is also long lasting. Your nails will also grow and remain strengthened under gelicious. This is one of the best things about gelicious – nail breakage is minimised to vary rare instances. The colour will eventually chip, but nails generally stay in tact. |
APPLYING gelicious
How do I apply gelicious?Follow the instructions that come with your gelicious delivery. You can follow in our 'How To' video on the homepage.
Should I trim my cuticles first?No. If you have cuticles that are growing over your nail, soak them in warm water and push them back with a rosewood stick or your other nails. Don't use moisturiser before applying gelicious but once applied, use cuticle oil or a simple Vitamin E rich moisturiser regularly to keep cuticles soft.
Do I need to buff my nails before applying gelicious?No, you do not need to buff your nails if using the Peel-Off Base & Top Coat. You can if you are using the Optional Base Coat.
Can I file my nails once I have applied gelicious?No. Make sure you file nails get your shape right before applying gelicious. Once you have applied the gelicious, the colour is sealed in. Filing will break the seal and allow peeling and/or chipping to occur.
What tips are there for making gelicious last longer?Following the instructions as well as the 'How To' video on our homepage will help to extend the wear time of gelicious, but here are a few tips:
How long do I cure gelicious?gelicious OPTIONAL BASE COAT – 30 seconds
Can I use gelicious OPTIONAL BASE COAT as a top coat?No, it is not recommended as the finish is less shiny. Consider using gelicious PEEL-OFF GEL – Base & Top Coat instead.
Can I paint a gelicious TOP COAT over regular nail lacquer?No. You won’t get the longer lasting results and you may get dimpling and rippling in the colour. Can I paint regular nail lacquer over gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT?Yes. But you wont get the same long lasting results. Can I just use gelicious OPTIONAL BASE COAT and ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT as clear polish alone?Yes. Apply two to three coats. My nails don’t seem to set after the recommended curing time.Each layer of gelicious produces a sticky finish, which is normal. You simply need to paint over this until you cure the gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT or PEEL-OFF GEL – BASE & TOP COAT. After the top coat layer is cured, simply wipe it off with the alcohol wipes provided with the kit (these can also be ordered at our online store) or acetone-based nail polish remover. Occasionally the colour will wipe off the nail after the final top coat cure. This will only happen if you have applied the colour too thickly, or if the light did not reach the sides of the nail (often the sides of the thumbs or pinky nails). I have wiped over with regular acetone-based nail polish remover and it is still not cured.Check the following:
One side of my thumbnail is still not cured.Thumbnails are often actually at a right angle to your other nails and getting the LED light to shine directly onto the thumbnails can be tricky – especially with arthritic hands or hands where thumbnails face away from the LED lights. Try curing your thumbs separately to your other nails by laying them flat in the LED lamp or by lifting the thumb up toward the light as you cure. I cured gelicious for too long. Will it soak off still?The longer you cure the Base Coat the greater the chances that it will be tricky to remove. Cure for just 30 seconds (unless the colour is recommended to be 60 seconds – this is the case with two of our high pigment colours, BRISVEGAS and SLEEP TILL NOON). |
gelicious UV LED LAMP FAQs
Do I need to buy a gelicious UV LED Lamp and is it safe?Yes, gelicious products need to be cured under a UV LED lamp and our gelicious lamps are safe to use. Recent independent studies show that UV Nail lamps emit less UVA and UVB than sunlight. We recommend that customers DO NOT look directly at any LED lights. Does gelicious work with any UV lamp?gelicious uses high grade UV LED lights. We do not recommend usage with fluorescent UV nail lamps and can only guarantee gelicious brand name UV LED products. Reasons why you should select gelicious UV LED lamps:
I have my own LED desk lamp, will that work?No. I experienced a heat sensation when I used the gelicious LED lamp. What went wrong?You experienced an Exothermic Reaction, (commonly called a 'heat spike') which is common to all nail lamps and gels and is not harmful in any way. It occurs when the particles in the gel move quickly as they set and it creates a warm sensation. This happens occasionally – usually when colour is painted on too thick – and is not a cause for concern. If you experience this again, just pull your hands out, wait a moment and re-insert them in the lamp. What causes an Exothermic Reaction or 'heat spike'?Think about what is happening at a molecular level when gelicious is curing. Molecules move about and bond to one another while curing to become hard. An Exothermic Reaction occurs when the molecules in geliciousproduce more energy than is needed to cure. The excess energy is released as heat.
What can I do to avoid a heat spike?If you experience this on a regular basis, ensure you are applying gelicious as thinly as possible, as heat spikes are more common with thicker applications. While it is no cause for concern and is not damaging, it can be avoided by placing the hands outside the lamp for 10 seconds while the lamp is on, to de-sensitise the nails before inserting hands into the lamp. Don’t forget to increase the curing time to allow for this. |
The Removal ProcessHow do I remove gelicious PEEL-OFF GEL - BASE & TOP COAT?When you are ready to remove gelicious, place nails under hot water – as hot as you can stand it – like the shower - until the product softens enough that you can get under a corner of the nail. It takes about a minute to give. While the product is still hot, nick an edge near your cuticle and very gently peel away. You will find if the water cools slightly, or if nails are removed from the water that the product hardens again very quickly.
How do I remove gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT?Gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT and OPTIONAL BASE COAT are our traditional gel products, which are removed in acetone using the foil method, like at the salon. When you are ready to remove place a cotton ball soaked in acetone on the nail and wrap in a piece of foil and leave for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes scrape to remove.
Won’t gelicious come off in the shower or washing up if it is removed in hot water?It is the first question we are often asked! gelicious is designed to last like a regular gel from the salon and will withstand washing up and showering. When you are ready to remove gelicious, place nails under hot water – as hot as you can stand it – like the shower - until the product softens enough that you can get under a corner of the nail. It takes about a minute to give. While the product is hot, nick an edge near your cuticle and very gently peel away. You will find if the water cools slightly, or if nails are removed from the water that the product hardens again very quickly. Unless you intentionally nick the nail and peel away while the product is warm the product it will stay on.
Can I use an electric nail file to grind gelicious off?No.
I have soaked gelicious PEEL-OFF GEL BASE & TOP COAT off for 60 seconds but it won't come off.Check that you are using our peel-off product, and that the water is still hot or leave them in for a little longer until you can feel that the gel has softened. Nick an edge and go slowly.
I have soaked gelicious off for 60 seconds and peeled it off but some of it is still on my nails. How can I get the rest off?Thicker applications and multiple coats will take longer to soak off. Check that the water is still hot. Next time, ensure you are applying THIN layers of gelicious. |
Health-Related Questions
I have nail fungus; can I use gelicious?No. See your doctor and wait until all infection is removed.
I have thin, flaky nails. Will gelicious work for me?Without a solid nail base gelicious may peel. That said, we have found that while gelicious is being used, nails are less likely to flake as they are protected. While results vary from person to person and the lasting time is likely to be less than someone with healthy nails, customers with flaky nails may find flaking is reduced while gelicious is applied.
I bite my nails. Can I use gelicious?Yes, and most nail biters find their nails improve with gelicious!
I have a cut and need to remove my gelicious but am worried my cut will sting! Can I avoid soaking my nail in hot water?gelicious Genuine Gels can only be removed using hot water.
Should I trim my cuticles?No. If you have cuticles that are growing over your nail, soak them in warm water and push them back with a rosewood stick or other nails.
Should I cut back tough skin with a scalpel or blade?No, never! Neither should your salon. If you have rough or cracked skin on your feet we recommend light buffing with a pumice stone in the shower and a urea-based moisturiser such as Eulactol.
I don’t like the colour, can I exchange it?Yes. So long as the product weighs the same as when it was shipped and is in original condition then you can exchange it.
I have changed my mind, can I return it and get a refund?Yes, so long as it is in the original condition it was sent. |
gelicious chipped after a few days. What went wrong?Following the instructions provided with your gelicious kit that as well as the 'How To' video on the homepage of our website will help to extend the wear time of gelicious. Make sure you are following each of the tips below.
Why does the finish look streaky?Give the bottle a really good shake (at least 30 seconds), and make sure you have two coats of colour applied thinly and evenly.
My gels peeled off. What happened?You may have had a little moisture left on your nails. Be sure to wash/moisturise your hands, and then dry them thoroughly. We recommend waiting about 10 minutes after washing your hands to ensure all the moisture is gone. Alternatively, the gel may have bonded with your cuticles, which pull at the gel as your nails grow. Leave a small gap between the cuticles and the nail so the pulling does not occur. Also, the gel may not have cured properly under the lamp. Remember to leave your nails under the lamp for 30 seconds(60 seconds for the darker colours).
I have a chip, what do I do?Don't pick at it! You can patch a small chip with gelicious. Apply a small thin drop over the chip, cure for another 30 seconds and then apply a second thin drop and cure for 30 seconds. Cover the whole nail with a thin layer of gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT or PEEL-OFF GEL – Base & Top Coat and cure for 30 seconds. Remember to run the brush along the tip of the nail to re-enforce the edge. Also, remember thicker applications are more prone to chipping and peeling, so make sure these are thin patches and next time, remember to apply thinly.
Can I patch a chip?Yes! Apply a small thin drop over the chip, cure for 30 seconds, then apply a second thin drop and cure for another 30 seconds. Cover the whole nail with a thin layer of gelicious ULTRA GLAZE TOP COAT or PEEL-OFF GEL – Base & Top Coat and cure for 30 seconds. Remember to run the brush along the tip of the nail to reinforce the edge. Also, remember thicker applications are more prone to chipping and peeling, so make sure these are thin patches and next time, remember to apply thin layers.
I got some on my skin, is that OK?Try and avoid getting gelicious GENUINE GEL on your skin and wipe away with hot water or acetone-based remover if you do. If you do get some on your skin irritation may occur in some cases, but in most cases it will peel off over the next 24 hours.
I think I have an allergic reaction.A small number of people can react to gelicious products if they are accidentally applied to the skin. Try to avoid all contact of gelicious hybrid gels with the skin, and stop using the product if an irritation develops. |
Have more questions?
Please contact us on talktous@gelicious.com any time!
Tatyana xo |
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